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For over a decade, Kane Smego has brought

YouTh ink's  powerful programs to participants of all ages at over 85 colleges, 60 K-12 schools and countless community spaces across the U.S. and  abroad in more than 20 countries.

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As both a poet, Hip Hop artist, and theatre performer, Kane has the ability to connect with audiences of all ages through storytelling, verse, or song and can tailor performances to fit the theme of an event.


Kane's one-man show, Temples of Lung & Air, is a work of hip hop theater that premiered at Playmakers Repertory Company in 2018, was featured at the  United Solo Theatre Festival in NYC and ran for a month at the Detroit Public Theatre in 2019. Most recently he has performed as part of Versa-Styles's Freemind Freestyle show which featured at the Joyce Theatre in NYC, L.A.'s Ford Theatre, and the San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts.


Drawing on his 15 years of experience as an artist-educator and program administrator working with youth and adults of all ages and backgrounds, Kane's dynamic YouTh ink curriculum is culturally-responsive and learner-centered. Workshops can be also be tailored to touch on specific themes of a course or conference, and The YouTh ink curriculum is designed to help participants:



  • Develop social-emotional learning (SEL)

  • Develop cultural competency

  • Develop writing, analytical, and public speaking skills

  • Develop leadership abilities

  • Develop an understanding of intersectional identity

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Lectures and Keynotes

Kane's lectures focus on cultural competency, intersectional identity, anti-racism, leadership, and the role of storytelling as a tool for transcending differences.
Kane has been a keynote speaker at the National Association of Social Workers Conference, Global Young Leaders Conference in Washington, D.C., as well a presenter at TEDX UNC, the Civicus World Assembly, the Aspen Institute's ThinkXChange, and other notable conferences and events across the country.

Background Photo Credit: @mark_davidson

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